There is a lot of things that need to be done/acquired to make this opening.
1. Actors- I need to find a kid that can walk and look sad. Not a lot of acting chops required. I probably will get one of my unwillingly friends to do so, but in worst case scenario, I'll have my equally unwillingly brother to do it for me. But in his case I can bribe him with free drives around our neighborhood.
For the two parents, I'll simply use my parents. I sure they love it just as much as my friends.
2. Camera- I, as most filmmakers, would love to actually shoot on film, but don't have to means to do so. An iPad or iPhone will suffice.
3. Steadicam- Steadicams are expensive. The cheap ones can range from $200-$1000, but the professional ones can go up to 25K. So there will need to be a substitute of some sort, because I refuse to shoot it handheld, especially a mobile device as the camera. Must look into that.
4. Lenses- Not a necessity, but wanted. I think different lenses can make the film easier to shoot or increase the quality.
5. Lighting- lighting is a huge in the opening, for its symbolic meaning, reflecting the descent to darkness the main character has just experienced. However, I mapped it all out. The lights in my house can certainly go bright to moody very easily. Will need to test though.
6. Wardrobe- Whoever plays the main character can bring their own dress clothes. All my friends probably have them, but in the off chance they don't, then they can borrow mine. Parents can wear their casual home clothes.
7. Microphone- I am still debate whether or not to record the film live and relief me of the trouble of recording it after the fact. However, because there is minimal dialogue, recording in post-production will most likely be the way I will do it.
8. Music- What the heck am I going to use? Music can enhance a scene so much, but do I even need music? I think this will need to be resolved during post. But if I do indeed use music I don't know what to use. I know it needs to sound dark and creepy, representing the main character as dangerous, yet vulnerable.
9. Blocking- I will need to learn how to block a shot. I guess I can do this, without researching, but I want this to look well and this specific shot will be around a minute and a half. So I'll need to learn how to block and rehearse with the actors.
10. Dried Blood- I will need to find out a recipe in where dried blood looks good. Probably find on the internet.
<"Steadicam+cost - Google Search." Steadicam+cost - Google Search. Google, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.>
A lot to do. A lot of time to do.
Until next time.
<"Steadicam+cost - Google Search." Steadicam+cost - Google Search. Google, n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2016.>
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